This is Eyewitness News. I'm Galen Brannagh and you're not.
Here's our second edition of News Flash, as inspired by Jeff.
News: Two Tennesseans are creeping up in the presidential race.
Fred Thompson – lawyer, actor, politician – is msking a strong showing on the Republican side. Not only does he ooze Southern gentility and charm, he also has enough Hollywood charisma and Reagan-ish horse sense and appeal to be a serious contender. I remember him from his lawyer days as the man who defended Marie Ragghianti against the State of Tennessee in her groundbreaking whistleblower case. For that and other things, he has my admiration. I’m not exactly in love with his personal life, but I guess I’m one of the few people who don’t vote for candidates based on their personal lives. I’m also not a Republican.
Nor am I a Democrat, but another Tennessean has been putting a dent in the Democratic presidential numbers: Al Gore. Now that he’s given everyone a serious wake-up call with “An Inconvenient Truth,” the Live Earth concert and his newest book, “An Assault on Reason,” people are taking him much more seriously than they did in 2000. He’s not necessarily the boring lecturer everyone thought he was. AND, he’s gaining interest from independents and even people from the Green party. Even more people support him because they dislike Hillary Clinton and are leery of Barack Obama. All this - and Gore isn’t even officially a presidential candidate (yet).
It will be interesting to see how well these two fare. Wouldn’t it be neat to see one Tennessean versus another in the final race?
Entertainment: Watched “Instinct” starring Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding, Jr. last night. It was the first time I’d ever seen it. I had a Zen moment when Hopkins’ character said that we humans needed to give up dominion over the earth. I realized that we never really had it. We take something that isn’t ours to take in the first place.
Work: Everything is the same, work wise. I log in, I review my list of cases, I research, I draw up necessary documents, I submit my work to the attorney. It could be a lot worse.
Spirit: My teacher Zhi has been very helpful and very patient to listen to my concerns and fears. He continues to help me see things in ways that I had not considered. He also gave me an assignment: to start a dream journal. I now keep a journal beside my bed and when I awake, I write down any dreams that I remember. This is in an effort to gain insight and dump the baggage that’s accumulated over the years.
Love: Mr. Brady was absolutely precious to me this weekend. Of course, he always is. He brushed my hair and braided it for me Friday night (I LOVE when he brushes my hair). Last night for supper I fixed tomatoes and okra, among other things, and he absolutely loves tomatoes and okra. He told me that I had the way to a man’s heart down-pat. Tater told me I was “the bestest cooker in the whole world” and that he and I should open a restaurant. Awww! I have been bad and haven’t gotten anything for Mr. Brady for Father’s Day yet, but I have made a card for him.
Anxiety: My ex-husband. Indications are that he’s up to something. I am working on my own plan to head him off at the pass. I have an appointment with an attorney this afternoon. I would do this pro se (represent myself), but he has more money than I do and I don’t feel comfortable enough to go on my own against a lawyer in court. If I’ve read Tennessee Code Annotated correctly, however, the laws are in my favor. Statutorily, I’ve already won the case.
Sports: Rags to Riches won the Belmont Stakes yesterday in horse racing. She’s the first filly to win at Belmont since 1905. She’s also the first filly to have raced at Belmont in 8 years. You GO, Girl! Todd Pletcher, her trainer, said, "It's a special feeling to do it with a filly." I’m sure it is. Ahem.
Home: Not much work done to the house this week. Mr. Brady’s been working on his workshop out back – building up the foundation.
That’s all the news that’s fit to print this week. Thanks for joining us.
Fred Thompson – lawyer, actor, politician – is msking a strong showing on the Republican side. Not only does he ooze Southern gentility and charm, he also has enough Hollywood charisma and Reagan-ish horse sense and appeal to be a serious contender. I remember him from his lawyer days as the man who defended Marie Ragghianti against the State of Tennessee in her groundbreaking whistleblower case. For that and other things, he has my admiration. I’m not exactly in love with his personal life, but I guess I’m one of the few people who don’t vote for candidates based on their personal lives. I’m also not a Republican.
Nor am I a Democrat, but another Tennessean has been putting a dent in the Democratic presidential numbers: Al Gore. Now that he’s given everyone a serious wake-up call with “An Inconvenient Truth,” the Live Earth concert and his newest book, “An Assault on Reason,” people are taking him much more seriously than they did in 2000. He’s not necessarily the boring lecturer everyone thought he was. AND, he’s gaining interest from independents and even people from the Green party. Even more people support him because they dislike Hillary Clinton and are leery of Barack Obama. All this - and Gore isn’t even officially a presidential candidate (yet).
It will be interesting to see how well these two fare. Wouldn’t it be neat to see one Tennessean versus another in the final race?
Entertainment: Watched “Instinct” starring Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding, Jr. last night. It was the first time I’d ever seen it. I had a Zen moment when Hopkins’ character said that we humans needed to give up dominion over the earth. I realized that we never really had it. We take something that isn’t ours to take in the first place.
Work: Everything is the same, work wise. I log in, I review my list of cases, I research, I draw up necessary documents, I submit my work to the attorney. It could be a lot worse.
Spirit: My teacher Zhi has been very helpful and very patient to listen to my concerns and fears. He continues to help me see things in ways that I had not considered. He also gave me an assignment: to start a dream journal. I now keep a journal beside my bed and when I awake, I write down any dreams that I remember. This is in an effort to gain insight and dump the baggage that’s accumulated over the years.
Thought for today: “When the window was dirty, the man couldn’t see through it; when the window was clean, he couldn’t see the window. The beauty of the window was that he couldn’t see it. The beauty of the Zen mind is that it causes no interference.”Family: Next weekend in Mr. Brady’s youngest son’s 11th birthday. We will all be going to my mother’s house in Middle Tennessee. That weekend, my hometown will also be having its centennial celebration. Among the various festivities, the Sons of the Confederacy, along with a group of Civil War re-enactors will be having a military funeral for my great-grandfather. Yes, you read that right – there’s only one “great.” My grandfather’s father fought in the Civil War! How is that possible? My grandfather turns 97 next month. His father was 70 YEARS OLD when my granddaddy was born. You do the math. The Sons of the Confederacy are going to be giving some sort of special recognition to my granddaddy, since he is a direct descendant of a Civil War veteran. He’s a rare bird, indeed.
Love: Mr. Brady was absolutely precious to me this weekend. Of course, he always is. He brushed my hair and braided it for me Friday night (I LOVE when he brushes my hair). Last night for supper I fixed tomatoes and okra, among other things, and he absolutely loves tomatoes and okra. He told me that I had the way to a man’s heart down-pat. Tater told me I was “the bestest cooker in the whole world” and that he and I should open a restaurant. Awww! I have been bad and haven’t gotten anything for Mr. Brady for Father’s Day yet, but I have made a card for him.
Anxiety: My ex-husband. Indications are that he’s up to something. I am working on my own plan to head him off at the pass. I have an appointment with an attorney this afternoon. I would do this pro se (represent myself), but he has more money than I do and I don’t feel comfortable enough to go on my own against a lawyer in court. If I’ve read Tennessee Code Annotated correctly, however, the laws are in my favor. Statutorily, I’ve already won the case.
Sports: Rags to Riches won the Belmont Stakes yesterday in horse racing. She’s the first filly to win at Belmont since 1905. She’s also the first filly to have raced at Belmont in 8 years. You GO, Girl! Todd Pletcher, her trainer, said, "It's a special feeling to do it with a filly." I’m sure it is. Ahem.
Home: Not much work done to the house this week. Mr. Brady’s been working on his workshop out back – building up the foundation.
That’s all the news that’s fit to print this week. Thanks for joining us.
1 comment:
CRUD! I just left a long comment and it didn't take! Now it is lost!
Readers Digest Version:
Gore should have courted the Green Party in 2000, loved the spiritual stuff, and I lament that I didn't read your NEWSFLASH first because we did the same thing on the Belmont. You will just have to trust me that I was a lot more eloquent the first time. ;)
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